Policy Relay: Pandemic Health Systems and Vaccines | ISPP Policy Relay: Health Systems and Vaccines During the Pandemic | Indian School of Public Policy Humane ClubMade in Humane Club

Policy Relay: Health Systems and Vaccines During the Pandemic

8 MAY 2021 Saturday 18:00 Asia/Kolkata
Duration :
1 hour(s)
Event Post May 08 2021

Join us for our upcoming session of the ISPP Policy Relay, with Amrita Agarwal on “Health Systems and Vaccines During the Pandemic””. Amrita Agarwal is experienced across private sector and the policy space. She was with Bain & Company India Pvt. Ltd. for 9 years, working in domains like health, tech services, financial services, infrastructure and private equity. Most recently, she was leading the health system design at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) where she scaled up a portfolio of investments on structural reforms in the healthcare sector of India while working closely with national, state governments, international institutions and the private sector.
We look forward to having you at the event!